Becoming a mom is a life alternating experience. The life you once knew will never be the same again. As amazing as my experience of motherhood has been so far I can honestly admit that it was the most unpredictable event that has ever occurred in my lifetime. The tenure of my pregnancy was great! No sickness, no weight gain, and I also managed to skip the stretch marks. Although the pregnancy was pretty easy going I had no clue what was in store for me. I had so many plans on how my labor and delivery would be. I thought my entire labor would be natural and I would also be able to breastfeed. I really thought I had it all planned.
After 18 hours of labor with no epidural, not only did I end up getting a C-section. I remember feeling so defeated. Giving birth was the only time I had had to stay overnight in a hospital Constantly being woken up to give blood work and being physically exhausted from the medication it was a lot to take in. After coming home I couldn't do any heavy lifting and I remember feeling like a burden to my family although they were more than supportive and accommodating. I tried to breastfeed, using the pump for hours for days. I was not able to produce pretty much anything. Another plan I had that did not work in my favor. I had to make physical and emotional adjustments as well. It's like everything started to sink and I just remember the feeling of my body going through so many changes. My overall healing process lasted approximately two weeks. All I remember was pushing myself to get up and get dressed and get out.
I literally would get super cute just to go to the store. Not because I felt unattractive or wanted any outside attention but because I wanted to remain Tiffany, in the crossroads of who I was before pregnancy and who I was becoming. I have not experienced any postpartum depression however I pushed myself so hard to be this superwoman and wanted to get my business back
on track that I literally made myself sick. I had to once again overcome feelings of defeat and live and enjoy the present and see the blessing in each situation.
Sometimes we have all these high expectations as moms and it can be very crushing when it does not go the way as planned. Take it easy Mommy, you got this! never look at unexpected events as a setback but as a reset. If it wasn't for my labor and delivery experience I would have navigated through life thinking everything would go my way or at least thinking something could always work in my favor but it will be OK if it doesn't. After giving birth your mind is all over the place but i'm here to tell you its okay don't rush take it day by day. If you don't feel like your best just push yourself to get up and put a little effort in your appearance. If your partner starts making negative comments about how you look then those are red flags that immediately need to be addressed. If you cannot find the strength to do any of those things I urge you to seek support from family and friends, new mom support groups,or speak with someone professionally. RSL Experience is your trusted Romance Specialist leading you to a road of successful and healthy relationships.